General Dental Practitioner
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
- I graduated on the 2nd of June 2020 from the University of Sheffield.
What is your favourite part of the job?
My favourite part of the job is that each patient is a new experience. No two patients or treatment plans are the same and I am part of a profession that is constantly evolving. I really like the continuity of care that dentistry gives, allowing myself and the patients to build rapports over many years and to be able to see end results.
How long have you been with the practice?
This is my first year at the practice, I am currently doing my dental foundation year.
What interests do you have outside of work?
I am a very sociable person. I enjoy seeing my friends whenever possible and going out for meals or to events. I have recently started to up my fitness regime, so lockdown has been quite beneficial health-wise for me. I am a big boxing fan and I spend a lot of my time keeping up to date through IFL interviews and watching the big fights. I am big family man, which isn’t surprising when you find out I have 24 first cousins.